We are a local organization that offers assistance to Sanders County residents currently undergoing cancer treatment. We offer some financial assistance and support for finding lodging and transportation. CNSC assistance may be offered annually as long as the individual is a resident of Sanders County and is currently undergoing treatment (radiation, surgery, chemotherapy, hospice, etc.) for cancer.

Find and like us on FaceBook
CNSC depends almost entirely on donations from individuals and businesses. You can be part of the "team" through donations. We can accept donations through PayPal or by writing a check to Cancer Network of Sanders County. We also accept donations with Bill Pay through your online banking by using our name and address:
Cancer Network of Sanders County
PO Box 1311
Plains, MT 59859
Click here to go to the CNSC Paypal donation page.
Once at the Paypal site, you may choose to use your credit card if you prefer.
Links to Other Resources
This website is dedicated to Joyce Longpre, our Founder, who lost her courageous
battle with cancer on
March 30, 2008
Plan Ahead!
Join us for the following events
(Details on the
Upcoming Events page)
•Still planning new events for the year check back soon.
CNSC is a grassroots nonprofit 501(3)(c) organization established in 2001
to provide support to residents of Sanders County, MT, who are undergoing treatment for cancer.
Our Mission Statement
The Cancer Network Of Sanders County is a nonprofit, community-based organization that provides support to residents of Sanders County, Montana, who are undergoing treatment for cancer.